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Sugarcane is one of India’s most important crops. It is cultivated on 5 million hectares of land, making India the second-largest producer of the crop which contributes to 6% of the national GDP and forms the livelihood for 20 million people across the country.
However, this industry is in peril. Post-harvest sucrose deterioration is responsible for losses worth millions of rupees. Following its harvest, enzymatic activity reduces sugar recovery rates by upto 10%!
Our solution mitigates this problem.
We’re SugarGain, and we’re making the world a sweeter place, quite literally!
We aim to target invertase present in the sugarcane stem - the enzyme responsible for cleaving sucrose into its constituents. Our project is structured into three major modules: a fructose regulated anti-invertase construct, an atmospherically-regulated kill switch, and a novel polymer inoculant.
Biosafety is a cruicial aspect of our project, especially so when our chassis is so closely involved with food products.
Throughout our project design we have tried to be cognizant about identifying strategies for robust biosafety. To ensure the highest possible levels of safety, we have developed a three-tier failsafe meachanism after taking into consideration the various use cases of our chassis.
Human Practices is essential for responsible project design. Our approach to human practices consisted of multiple iterations which allowed us to effectively interview industry experts, researchers and users. Throughout our project, we identified and spoke to various diverse stakeholders relevant to our project.
We have tried our best to inculcate this feedback at every stage of design of our project.
Mathematical models are the cornerstone of our project. We have designed six models that cover various aspects of SugarGain. Not only would these describe the working of our system but they would also show the synergy between our planned experiments and our simulations. The various iterations our models have gone through help us make an informed decision before moving to the lab.
To contribute to this amazing community, we developed three softwares: iGEM WikiSync: A continuous deployment tool for iGEM wikis; iGEM WikiSync Github Action: A Github Actions plugin that allows Github repositories to deploy wikis to iGEM servers; and the iGEM Wiki Starter Pack: The easiest way to build iGEM Wikis.